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Products > Oils > Absolutes > Chamomile Absolute


Chamomile Absolute

Botanical Name: Matricaria chamomilla L.


Plant Part: Flowers


Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction


Origin: Egypt


Description: This plant is an erect annual that can grow up to 60cm in height, with wispy 2-3 pinnate, hairy leaves and tubular yellow flowers, surrounded by a single row of white ligulate florets which are often bent backwards.


Color: Bluish green to dark green liquid.


Common Uses: Chamomile Absolute is one of the most widely used oil in aromatherapy. It contains soothing, relaxing properties and its fragrance is distinct enough to have earned its own place in perfumery.


Consistency: Medium


Note: Middle


Strength of Aroma: Strong


Blends well with: Chamomile Absolute blends well with woody fragrances like Cypress, as well as Citrus oils and musk scents.


Aromatic Scent: Chamomile Egyptian Absolute has a strong, sweetish, warm, herbaceous odor.


History: The word Chamomile comes from the Greek word Chamomaela or 'Ground Apple' and has been in use for centuries. It was first thought to be used by the Egyptians to cure ‘Auge’ or Acute Fever. In the Middle Ages it was used as a 'strewing' herb to improve the atmosphere at gatherings and festivals, and to the Anglo Saxons it was one of the 'Nine Sacred Herbs'.


Cautions: No known toxicity. Use well diluted. High doses may trigger skin reactions in sensitive individuals. Avoid use during pregnancy. It is important to note that all absolutes are extremely concentrated by nature. They should not be evaluated in this state unless you are accustomed to the undiluted fragrance. For those trying Absolutes for the first time, we strongly recommend they be evaluated in dilution. Otherwise, the complexity of the fragrance - particularly the rare and exotic notes - becomes lost.

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