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Essential Oils

Products > Oils > Essential Oils > Tagetes Oil

Tagetes Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Tagetes minuta


Plant Part: Flowers


Extraction Method: Steam Distilled


Origin: Egypt


Description: Tagetes is known in Africa as 'Khakibush'. It is now grown in France and North America. The Tagetes plant is essentially a weed with deeply divided, dark green leaves with numerous ornamental yellowish-orange carnation-like flowers.


Color: Reddish yellow liquid.


Common Uses: Tagetes Essential Oil is best known for its ability to keep insects away. It is also credited by aromatherapists as helping with parasitic and fungal issues, while also being able to facilitate the flow of mucous and loosening congestion. It has also been used on cuts, sores, and bunions.


Consistency: Medium


Note: Top


Strength of Aroma: Medium


Blends well with: Juniper, Lavender, Pine, Geranium, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Frankincense and all Citrus oils.


Aromatic Scent: Tagetes Egyptian Essential Oil is easily classified as sweet, fruity and almost citrus-like.


History: After the Boer war in South Africa, Australian troops brought plants to their native land where it grew profusely.


Cautions: Tagetes Essential Oil is a very powerful oil and should be used sparingly and only by those with experience working with essential oils. It should also be avoided during pregnancy and not used on sensitive skin. It may also cause photo-sensitivity.

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